The founding fathers of America
Are now preparing to set sail,
Lining up behind Captain Ahab,
On a quest for the Great White Whale…
The Fathers dream of a pristine world,
Cleansed of sin by fiery breath…
All those possessed by impure thoughts
Allowed a swift and precise death.
But those who oppose the fathers’ will
Even in far off foreign lands,
Will be crushed by the Lord’s infinite mercy,
Brushed aside by divine hands
The avenging hosts of America
Are sweeping down like a howling gale,
On the unbelievers who defy them,
The worshippers of the Great White Whale
The storm is gathering, the harpoons sharpened,
A massive rumbling in the sky
Announcing the holy retribution
That will rain down from on high.
Satellite pictures have identified
An exact location for the beast,
Now we sit by the TV waiting,
Sharpening our knives for the feast
The white hatted heroes of America
Are primed and ready. They cannot fail
John Wayne and Gary Cooper
Will exterminate the Great White Whale
Now the shock and awe descends,
The terror in the eyes of the uncomprehending,
The mercy of God mysteriously revealed,
A love that is never ending…
Compassion that cannot be measured,
Salvation that cannot be named,
Liberation that cannot be whispered,
This is no time to feel ashamed
Because the founding fathers of America
Know the predestined time is come
When the nations will bow in supplication
To the American Millenium
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