Category: Short Stories and Plays

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SHORT STORY: Testament

SHORT STORY: Testament

SHORT STORY: TESTAMENT I, Joseph Ezekiel Green, am your humble servant, O Lord. It is with meekness and with reverence that I kneel here in supplication to ask you to receive this testament. Here at 23 Nelson Crescent, Brentwood, I am waiting by this telephone for your call. Outside I hear another thunder storm brewing....

SHORT STORY: Special Engagement

SHORT STORY: Special Engagement

SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT   As Sheena came into the living room, Jimmy Carlisle turned down the volume on the T.V. automatic and leaned back in his favourite armchair with a smirk on his face. “Tell me…” He smoothed down one of the long thin brown strands that covered up his bald patch, leaving an oily deposit...

SHORT STORY: Cinderella Unbound

SHORT STORY: Cinderella Unbound

CINDERELLA UNBOUND    As she took the double scotch-on-the-rocks, Diane tried to steady her right hand. The ragged chunks of ice Joe the barman had spooned in from the pineapple cooler rattled around the thick glass. She fumbled for two quid with her left hand. Opening her purse and finding the right change wasn’t too...